Monday, March 7, 2011

Super Slicey Slice Effect Friday

The Slice Ocean Park
 On Friday March 4th, 2011 the grubbing tough way of life reached new heights. We ushered in a new era of grubbing as we had our biggest and most important grubventure and grubvent yet. On Friday, 21 brave souls joined the Founding Fathers in the grubbing of a lifetime. It was all-you-can eat pizza, pasta, and soda at the Slice on Ocean Park. It was tough. It was grubbing. It truly was toughing grub... or grubbing tough.

This was a proposition the Founding Fathers had contemplated and debated about for a long time. We had almost done it before, but it fell through at the last moment due to extreme baschness. This time we were sure the world was ready to experience our lifestyles. Anyway, this was a deal that had to be attempted (2 hours of all the grub we wanted for only $8 a person). It fit into all pillars of the lifestyle.

Mmm. Girls. Grub. Horchatea
We also planned to present the proud Hispanic workers of Slice with a framed certificate, making them the first ever GTWL official grubbery. So as we prepared to go to the event, the Founding Fathers stumbled around to get a frame. Sam Adams whipped along with the basch Mladen went to get one from the Salvation Army. After walking through the crowd of illegal immigrants, elderly citizens, and homeless individuals, they were able to trick the stoop cashier into selling it to them for two cuts instead of the six. A deal fit for a Father!

After getting the frame, we were ready to get to The Slice Ocean Park. We had to dodge and weave through the ridiculous Lincoln Blvd. traffic. We were heated, but once we got to Slice we were all overcome with the anticipation of the grub to come took over our bodies. It was a new wonderful feeling; we called it the Pre-Slice Effect.

(Note: Stay off the roads unless you are going to grub!)
We were so close to grubbing tougher than ever. Money was gathered. Prices were negotiated. Stomachs were teased and tortured. Finally, the glowing employee delivered the first bowls of Penne pasta and Spaghetti. Shortly after the pasta, two beautiful pizza pies with sliced SAUsage was delivered. The grubbing was on! People began stuffing their faces like never seen before. There were too many people to list, maybe Aidan will later (I will!), but a few brave grubbers who came out and gave tough performances were Maciej "Yogurt Ankle" Rosa and Mikey "Get Me Five More BBQ Chicken Pizza's" Kamkar. These two men grubbed to the toughest level and we are extremely proud of them both.

The Slice OP: Now an official grubbery!
Throughout our meal we kept trying to present The Slice Ocean Park with our official GTWL Letter of Approval, but they were being too basch to accept (they couldn't really understand English and also were too busy with their business). Anyway after several attempts to use both Isaiah and Eric Santos (Spanish-speaking grubbers) as diplomats, the only thing that got their attention was our decision to pay up. Money was on their mind after the 20+ pizzas and 15+ pastas dishes they had served to us. At one point they even tried to charge us $270 instead of $180. "HELLLLLL NOOOOOO!" is what the Founding Fathers said. The Grub Tough Club does not waste cuts on stoop greediness. Continuing, when our little dispute was sorted out, we slowly counted our money down to the last quarter (Eric Santos payed in quarters and the Treasurer paid in freshly minted gold coins--how typical of both of them). So much debaschery.

With the money paid, they finally accepted our letter and promised to hang it up on their wall of honor. We were very ecstatic and were pleased to take a picture with the shortest of the employees, who quickly asked us if he could as he put it "have a picture with only the ladies." We all laughed at this horny basch and went on our merry ways. We knew the Slice Effect would hit us soon enough, but we didn't care because we grubbed to the fullest that day. 

Mladen needs this entire half
The following pizzas were eaten:
BBQ Chicken (Amazing)
Sausage (Delectable)
Pepperoni (Good)
Cheese (Good)
Extra Cheese, Cheese (Who the hell ordered this, so stoop)

As a perfect ending to this day of grubbing, Benny Naftali had a grand celebration at his beautiful house. Drinks were served in red cups, part of the tradition of grubbing, and everyone eventually fell asleep with full stomachs

This day is a day in grubbing history that will always be remembered. It was a day that I was proud to be a grubber. We conserved the economy with our large order, and saved the jobs of every employee there. It was the epitome of the lifestyle. 

Good night, and Good Grubbing,

Sam Adams

A Special Thank You From the Founding Fathers:

The Slice Ocean Park
Zachary "Coods" Cuda
HNIC (Morgan)
Nick R. 
Nick H.
Eric St.
Eric Sa.

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